
DIY: How to make an autumn wreath step by step

Do you love autumn too? While you surely love walking outside to enjoy the magic of the season, it's often indoors that we spend most of our time. That's why it's always nice to bring a little bit of autumn into your home. And all the more fun when you make your own decorations. Choose flowers and leaves with autumnal colors, follow the steps and let your creativity run wild! 


A wreath base

Cutting pliers

a winding wire

Various flowers and foliage

Vous trouverez ces outils dans la plupart des magasins de bricolage. Il existe différents types de bases de couronne, disponibles dans plusieurs tailles et épaisseurs, selon le style et l’effet que vous souhaitez obtenir. Pour un rendu uniforme, pensez à choisir une base dont la couleur concorde avec les teintes que vous avez choisies.

how to do it

1. Separate your flowers into small bunches

To save time later on, I advise you to prepare small assemblies with each of your flowers. Don't hesitate to vary the sizes, as diversity will make your wreath harmonious.

2. Attach wire to wreath base

As you'll be using the wire to set your flowers to the wreath, start by tying it securely to the base. Wrap it around the wreath several times to ensure it's secure.

3. Attachez vos fleurs par petits assemblages

Préparez des petits assemblages avec 2 ou 3 sortes de fleurs et commencez à fixer ces tiges solidement sur la base. Pour chaque assemblage, faites au moins 2 tours de fil de fer.

4. Go around the wreath

Continue this way around the wreath, securing each bouquet by the stem. Make sure the stems are all pointing in the same direction, and cover them each time with the next bouquet. Once the entire base is covered with flowers, fill in the gaps with additional flowers. Once you're happy with the result, all you have to do is hang it up! 

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